The Lake:
Hi Peter Just a quick update until we can arrange a meeting with you. Last year certain members of the Bay Malton committee decided that the lake was not a viable venture and therefore would not be going ahead with a lease. Ernie and I were not happy about the decision after all the work and time we had committed, and the promise to you that we would get the place back to its former glory. Consequently Seven of us former committee members have left the Bay Malton and formed a new local club, the Dunham Massey Angling Club, the lease is in place with Mr & Mrs Priestner who are more than happy for us to continue with our agreement. As a newly formed club we are determined that this will be a flagship water that we can ALL be very proud of. The work being undertaken on the Lake will continue as planned and discussed with yourselves, apologies for the chainsaw use for the past couple of Saturdays!, we have cleared the majority of the bankside trees and undergrowth and the next step will be setting out pathways and new fishing platforms. If you have any questions at all please contact Ernie or myself (same mobile numbers) and you are welcome to call over whenever we are on a work party for an update. We would appreciate you updating your residents via the website and posting a link to the new club. Kind Regards Dom & Ernie
Good News - Work on the Lake area has begun on Saturday 11 February 2012 by Bay Malton.
Bay Malton Angling Club have an arrangement in place with The Farmer (David Priestner) to fish, improve and maintain the lake area. Access to the lake is via Mill Lane (B5159) not through the housing development. There is to be no night fishing at Heatley Mere. Bay Malton are an organised and serious fishing club. Their member's are genuinely concerned with waterways. See the good work that has been done at Lymm Dam and the Bay Malton website. It is envisaged that the 'pathway' that runs at the back of School Drive, from Elastomer (extension of Millers Lane) to the far corner of Millington and the farmers field will only be used in the short term so that the water bailiffs can get vans & equipment to the lake. If residents see campers or anything / anyone who seems to be out of place by the lake then first contact :
14April11 - P.Astbury
-------------- --------------------------- Meeting meeting Peter Astbury & PCSO Mike Luckett at 55 Chaise on 13 Sept 10 Mike Luckett indicates that PCSO Ian Carter hopes to be in attendance on 22 Sept 10 at the Farmers with the latest information pertaining to the Lake. The Police have spent considerable time on the Lake situation in not only dealing with anti-social behaviour but looking into the ownership rights. It is not at all straightforward but appears to be unraveling. Mike says that Cheshire Police are also keen to a find resolution to the Lake issues & welcome any resident / police cooperation on the conundrum. If someone is merely fishing and camping out on the land then this is not a policing issue, it is when they become rowdy etc that it comes anti-social behaviour. PCSO Mike Luckett feels that if the ownership rights can be sorted and if a company were to come forward for fishing rights it drastically improve the anti-social behaviour problem as this would limit who is able to go onto the land. We are possibly looking for the name of a company (not necessarily Heatley Management Limited) which Countryside Properties may have used when they bought the land from Nikal Ltd to formulate the Heatley Flash Habitat Management Plan. Residents with investigative inclination please step forward. They might begin their search with a call to Angela Dowding (Countryside Properties Group Chief Solicitor). Heatley residents by the Lake, may also want to consider... 1) Think about the Police's position. They have limited resources & can't be expected to come speeding out everytime someone camps out. 2) We are not at war with the fishermen, we just want them to be tidy & quiet. regs Peter ---------------- -------------------------------------------------
Response from Resident 13 Sept 10 Peter, There were three groups of lads fishing/camping on the lake again Saturday through to Sunday. Whether or not this is permitted is clearly an area of discussion at the moment. However, what is completely unacceptable is the disgusting and dangerous state they leave the place in. I take the kids down there to feed the ducks quite regularly (onto the little jetty/island area) - I went at the weekend and found: bags and bags of rubbish, beer cans, bottles, opened tin cans of food, all sorts of food waste, a fire with all sorts of plastic burnt on it, toilet tissue (dread to think where they actually went to the toilet!), broken and burnt chairs, newspapers, magazines....etc. All of this was on the island area and in the water. It's so disgusting and dangerous that I can't take the kids there any longer.....and I'm sure it must be having an impact on the ducks and wildlife down there. I guess without knowing who owns the lake it will be difficult to do anything formal about this - but surely as a neighbourhood team we can do something to prevent the awful mess being made down there. Any ideas? Cheers,
-------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Response from Resident 12 Sept 10
Dear Peter I have had many discussions with Trinity ,Countryside and Sale Moor Angling club regarding the Lake, prior to anyone moving in from 2005. We finally got the answer after about a year of enquiries , the Lake is owned by the Heatley Mere estate .
Response from Resident 10 Sept 10: Hi Peter,
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In a meeting (about Homewatch) between Peter Astbury & PCSO Mike Luckett at 55 Chaise on 8 Sept 10 Mike also wishes to let residents know that he has conflicting information about the fishing on the lake these include...
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-------------------------------------------------------- After consultation with Trinity and Countryside, it appears noone is willing to put a permanent gate in the fence at Millington Gardens to give access to the mere and for the dog walkers. As someone intentionally broke it for access, a local resident has put temporary railings in place to protect the swans and their cygnetts which keep wandering into the road. The dog walkers have also been using this as a makeshift gate and thus far the arrangement seems to be working quite nicely. This leads me to feel sure that a permanent gate would facilitate the area best for everyone. However someone will have to pay for it? And where should it be? The residents on Millington Gardens feel that the play area is noisy enough, and although are happy enough with a gate in principal, they feel that a curfew on residents walking their dogs in this area would be a good idea, as they make quite a lot of noise, sometimes past midnight! Your thoughts welcome ........... P Astbury July 09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
e mail from Trinity Estates to resident Phil Knowles regarding the Lake situation.
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Dear Mr Knowles,
Thank you for your email. I am fully aware of the situation, and have the following information to give to you: As the lake is private, trespassers or any antisocial behaviour should be reported to the Police in the first instance. Signs have been ordered to be erected near to the Mere to say “private land, no fishing”. On my next visit, I intend to look at possible areas to erect “no parking” signs, in the hope of alleviating trespassers parking their vehicles on the residents side of the Mere. Sale Moor Angling Club no longer hold the right to fish on the Mere, at present, no fishing is permitted whatsoever. Trinity is currently attempting to resolve a legal issue with the Farmer on the far side of the lake, as to a dispute over land that he claims to own. Once this is resolved Bay Maulton Angling Club will then have agreement drawn up between themselves, the Residents and the Farmer. No fishing is permitted at any time on the residential side of the Mere. A letter will be sent out to all Residents in the next few days concerning this issue to keep them informed of Trinity’s actions. On another note, please can you give me your house number in order that I may save your email and my response to your file. Yours Sincerely *Jackie Swinney AIRPM* *Estate Manager* *Trinity Estates *