Litter :
It is our duty as residents to dispose of litter properly.
Heatley Mere Residents Association will not tolerate the disgarding of litter.
Dog fouling around the development including the TPT (Trans Pennine Trail ) will not be tolerated either.
e mail from Heatley Mere Resident :
"Earlier this year we contacted councillors Bob Barr and Sheila Woodyatt suggesting the provision of more dog waste bins and notices. The area around Lymm Dam is a good example of how things could be improved. Both said they would speak to the relevant officers but to date the only change has been some sticky labels on the signposts threatening prosecution, but with still no extra provision for disposal of waste bags. Again , if more people were to pursue the authorities, perhaps they would take more notice. Most of the estate does not appear too badly affected, although there have been some instances of dog fouling recently, especially in the vicinity of the Coop. Until more bins are provided (and emptied!) dog owners like ourselves will have to continue to make their own arrangements for disposal. (litter bins outside the shops should not be used). "