

Heartstart Information


Lymm Release


Heartstart welcomes Heatley Mere residents.


Telephone 01925 751599 - Graham Gowland


Lymm Round Table


Hi Peter
Thanks to Nikki for putting us in touch.
In Lymm we have a bit of an issue in that the ambulance service that covers us are based over the ship canal, and in an emergency situation, the ambulance can take 8 - 35 minutes to get to us. In many situations, each minute you delay immediate treatment can decrease the chance of survival by 10%. Heatley suffers because it is even further away than central Lymm.
To counter this delay, we are training as many local people as possible in the 'Chain of Survival', the steps that can 'stop the clock' and significantly increase the chances of someone surviving. To supplement this we have also positioned AED's - Automatic External Defibrillators around Lymm. In Heatley yours is located in the Co-Op. They are there for anyone in the community to use, and in the case of Cardiac Arrest, can really make the difference between life & death.There is only a 8% survival rate in the North West Ambulance service area for Cardiac Arrest.
The first aid course we run is a 2 hour (ish) course we have held in lots of locations around the village, but we mainly run a monthly course on the first Thursday of the month (2nd October, 7th November, 4th December) at 7.30pm at the Baptist Church on Higher Lane. The course covers emergency lifesaving skills, with the strapline 'Simple Skills Save Lives'. It is totally free, as the costs are covered by Lymm & District Round Table and Lymm Parish Council.I've attached some info, and the Press release may sit with your website fairly well.
If I can help with any further information, or if you'd like to book on the course, give me a call on 751599.





On 13 September 2014 22:23, Nikki Wollerton wrote:

Hello Peter,
Hope you're well, no doubt you're keeping busy as usual.
A couple of weeks ago I went on an excellent essential first aid course and I wondered if it might be something you'd consider putting a link to on the Heatley Mere website. You may have come across it, it's called Heartstart and covers CPR, choking, serious bleeding and using a defibrillator. It runs on the first Thursday of every month, it's just two hours (7.30-9.30) at Lymm Baptist Church and best of all it's FREE. You even get a cup of tea or coffee half way through - to help you get your breath back after practising your CPR on some very obliging resuscitation dummies.
It's honestly one of the most informative two hours I've spent and I'm sure if more people knew about it they'd really welcome the chance of improving their confidence to do something useful should an emergency arise.
Anyway, I've enclosed a link and also copied in Graham Gowland who leads the programme.

Kind regards




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October 2014