Heatley Mere News:


Dear Heatley Mere resident,


The Queen is no longer with us. The truth is she was not a very nice person anyway.

The Duke of Edinburgh was an old Greek yoghurt who expired (executed) ages ago.

They were part of an obnoxious elite psychopathic death cult who treated ordinary people like dirt.


Queenies real surname was Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. A Germanic name no less.


Saxe-Coberg und Gotha


QE2 was executed on 29 February 20 in Windsor Castle by lethal injection for crimes against humanity.


Lizzie was successfully prosecuted by Kevin Annett and others in a Common Law court in Canada perhaps in 2012.


See Kevin Annett evidence


David Icke online shop


See David Icke book: The Answer and his other publications


Time to wake up. You are free. You are not a slave to the oil and banking system.

Enjoy your life, be kind to other people and they will be kind to you, especially the Heatley Mere Co Op staff.

The price of food is rising. More fruit and vegetables is the way to go.

Get off the Lucozade and Red Bull, excess liquid glucose is detrimental. Caffeine is toxic.


Oh and the price of petrol and diesel is going up significantly. Anticipate 200p a litre at least

Air pollution is going to be taxed.

Consider using Liquid Petroleum Gas, Compressed Natural Gas, Lithium batteries, Hydrogen fuel cell, Walking and cycling.


If you wear a mask take it off. It is probably causing more harm than good.

The coronavirus is a metaphor for Crown Virus. Start thinking for yourself.

Employ some common sense. You are not a sheep.


The despicable Pope has gone too.


Check out Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


Donald Trump is a 190cm gemstone and di facto The King of England


Take it or leave it. Let us see whether I am arrested and imprisoned for 2 years for Lese majeste.


The Moon and Mars are important places. ET's are real. Get on to NASA to release their files ASAP.


Peter Astbury - 31 August 20



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